/*! * Bootstrap v4.0.0-beta (https://getbootstrap.com) * Copyright 2011-2017 The Bootstrap Authors (https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/graphs/contributors) * Licensed under MIT (https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/blob/master/LICENSE) */ if ("undefined" == typeof jQuery) throw new Error("Bootstrap's JavaScript requires jQuery. jQuery must be included before Bootstrap's JavaScript."); ! function(t) { var e = jQuery.fn.jquery.split(" ")[0].split("."); if (e[0] < 2 && e[1] < 9 || 1 == e[0] && 9 == e[1] && e[2] < 1 || e[0] >= 4) throw new Error("Bootstrap's JavaScript requires at least jQuery v1.9.1 but less than v4.0.0") }(), function() { function t(t, e) { if (!t) throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); return !e || "object" != typeof e && "function" != typeof e ? t : e } function e(t, e) { if ("function" != typeof e && null !== e) throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function, not " + typeof e); t.prototype = Object.create(e && e.prototype, { constructor: { value: t, enumerable: !1, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } }), e && (Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.setPrototypeOf(t, e) : t.__proto__ = e) } function n(t, e) { if (!(t instanceof e)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function") } var i = "function" == typeof Symbol && "symbol" == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function(t) { return typeof t } : function(t) { return t && "function" == typeof Symbol && t.constructor === Symbol && t !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof t }, o = function() { function t(t, e) { for (var n = 0; n < e.length; n++) { var i = e[n]; i.enumerable = i.enumerable || !1, i.configurable = !0, "value" in i && (i.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(t, i.key, i) } } return function(e, n, i) { return n && t(e.prototype, n), i && t(e, i), e } }(), r = function(t) { function e(t) { return {}.toString.call(t).match(/\s([a-zA-Z]+)/)[1].toLowerCase() } function n(t) { return (t[0] || t).nodeType } function i() { return { bindType: s.end, delegateType: s.end, handle: function(e) { if (t(e.target).is(this)) return e.handleObj.handler.apply(this, arguments) } } } function o() { if (window.QUnit) return !1; var t = document.createElement("bootstrap"); for (var e in a) if (void 0 !== t.style[e]) return { end: a[e] }; return !1 } function r(e) { var n = this, i = !1; return t(this).one(l.TRANSITION_END, function() { i = !0 }), setTimeout(function() { i || l.triggerTransitionEnd(n) }, e), this } var s = !1, a = { WebkitTransition: "webkitTransitionEnd", MozTransition: "transitionend", OTransition: "oTransitionEnd otransitionend", transition: "transitionend" }, l = { TRANSITION_END: "bsTransitionEnd", getUID: function(t) { do { t += ~~(1e6 * Math.random()) } while (document.getElementById(t)); return t }, getSelectorFromElement: function(e) { var n = e.getAttribute("data-target"); n && "#" !== n || (n = e.getAttribute("href") || ""); try { return t(n).length > 0 ? n : null } catch (t) { return null } }, reflow: function(t) { return t.offsetHeight }, triggerTransitionEnd: function(e) { t(e).trigger(s.end) }, supportsTransitionEnd: function() { return Boolean(s) }, typeCheckConfig: function(t, i, o) { for (var r in o) if (o.hasOwnProperty(r)) { var s = o[r], a = i[r], l = a && n(a) ? "element" : e(a); if (!new RegExp(s).test(l)) throw new Error(t.toUpperCase() + ': Option "' + r + '" provided type "' + l + '" but expected type "' + s + '".') } } }; return s = o(), t.fn.emulateTransitionEnd = r, l.supportsTransitionEnd() && (t.event.special[l.TRANSITION_END] = i()), l }(jQuery), s = (function(t) { var e = "htb-alert", i = t.fn[e], s = { DISMISS: '[data-dismiss="alert"]' }, a = { CLOSE: "htb-close.htbbs.htb-alert", CLOSED: "htb-closed.htbbs.htb-alert", CLICK_DATA_API: "click.htbbs.htb-alert.data-api" }, l = { ALERT: "htb-alert", FADE: "htb-fade", SHOW: "htb-show" }, h = function() { function e(t) { n(this, e), this._element = t } return e.prototype.close = function(t) { t = t || this._element; var e = this._getRootElement(t); this._triggerCloseEvent(e).isDefaultPrevented() || this._removeElement(e) }, e.prototype.dispose = function() { t.removeData(this._element, "htbbs.htb-alert"), this._element = null }, e.prototype._getRootElement = function(e) { var n = r.getSelectorFromElement(e), i = !1; return n && (i = t(n)[0]), i || (i = t(e).closest("." + l.ALERT)[0]), i }, e.prototype._triggerCloseEvent = function(e) { var n = t.Event(a.CLOSE); return t(e).trigger(n), n }, e.prototype._removeElement = function(e) { var n = this; t(e).removeClass(l.SHOW), r.supportsTransitionEnd() && t(e).hasClass(l.FADE) ? t(e).one(r.TRANSITION_END, function(t) { return n._destroyElement(e, t) }).emulateTransitionEnd(150) : this._destroyElement(e) }, e.prototype._destroyElement = function(e) { t(e).detach().trigger(a.CLOSED).remove() }, e._jQueryInterface = function(n) { return this.each(function() { var i = t(this), o = i.data("htbbs.htb-alert"); o || (o = new e(this), i.data("htbbs.htb-alert", o)), "htb-close" === n && o[n](this) }) }, e._handleDismiss = function(t) { return function(e) { e && e.preventDefault(), t.close(this) } }, o(e, null, [{ key: "VERSION", get: function() { return "4.0.0-beta" } }]), e }(); t(document).on(a.CLICK_DATA_API, s.DISMISS, h._handleDismiss(new h)), t.fn[e] = h._jQueryInterface, t.fn[e].Constructor = h, t.fn[e].noConflict = function() { return t.fn[e] = i, h._jQueryInterface } }(jQuery), function(t) { var e = "htb-button", i = t.fn[e], r = { ACTIVE: "htb-active", BUTTON: "htb-btn", FOCUS: "htb-focus" }, s = { DATA_TOGGLE_CARROT: '[data-toggle^="button"]', DATA_TOGGLE: '[data-toggle="buttons"]', INPUT: "input", ACTIVE: ".htb-active", BUTTON: ".htb-btn" }, a = { CLICK_DATA_API: "click.htbbs.htb-button.data-api", FOCUS_BLUR_DATA_API: "htb-focus.htbbs.htb-button.data-api blur.htbbs.htb-button.data-api" }, l = function() { function e(t) { n(this, e), this._element = t } return e.prototype.toggle = function() { var e = !0, n = !0, i = t(this._element).closest(s.DATA_TOGGLE)[0]; if (i) { var o = t(this._element).find(s.INPUT)[0]; if (o) { if ("radio" === o.type) if (o.checked && t(this._element).hasClass(r.ACTIVE)) e = !1; else { var a = t(i).find(s.ACTIVE)[0]; a && t(a).removeClass(r.ACTIVE) } if (e) { if (o.hasAttribute("disabled") || i.hasAttribute("disabled") || o.classList.contains("disabled") || i.classList.contains("disabled")) return; o.checked = !t(this._element).hasClass(r.ACTIVE), t(o).trigger("change") } o.focus(), n = !1 } } n && this._element.setAttribute("aria-pressed", !t(this._element).hasClass(r.ACTIVE)), e && t(this._element).toggleClass(r.ACTIVE) }, e.prototype.dispose = function() { t.removeData(this._element, "htbbs.htb-button"), this._element = null }, e._jQueryInterface = function(n) { return this.each(function() { var i = t(this).data("htbbs.htb-button"); i || (i = new e(this), t(this).data("htbbs.htb-button", i)), "toggle" === n && i[n]() }) }, o(e, null, [{ key: "VERSION", get: function() { return "4.0.0-beta" } }]), e }(); t(document).on(a.CLICK_DATA_API, s.DATA_TOGGLE_CARROT, function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var n = e.target; t(n).hasClass(r.BUTTON) || (n = t(n).closest(s.BUTTON)), l._jQueryInterface.call(t(n), "toggle") }).on(a.FOCUS_BLUR_DATA_API, s.DATA_TOGGLE_CARROT, function(e) { var n = t(e.target).closest(s.BUTTON)[0]; t(n).toggleClass(r.FOCUS, /^focus(in)?$/.test(e.type)) }), t.fn[e] = l._jQueryInterface, t.fn[e].Constructor = l, t.fn[e].noConflict = function() { return t.fn[e] = i, l._jQueryInterface } }(jQuery), function(t) { var e = "htb-collapse", s = "htbbs.htb-collapse", a = t.fn[e], l = { toggle: !0, parent: "" }, h = { toggle: "boolean", parent: "string" }, c = { SHOW: "show.htbbs.htb-collapse", SHOWN: "shown.htbbs.htb-collapse", HIDE: "hide.htbbs.htb-collapse", HIDDEN: "hidden.htbbs.htb-collapse", CLICK_DATA_API: "click.htbbs.htb-collapse.data-api" }, u = { SHOW: "htb-show", COLLAPSE: "htb-collapse", COLLAPSING: "htb-collapsing", COLLAPSED: "htb-collapsed" }, d = { WIDTH: "width", HEIGHT: "height" }, f = { ACTIVES: ".htb-show, .htb-collapsing", DATA_TOGGLE: '[data-toggle="htbcollapse"]' }, p = function() { function a(e, i) { n(this, a), this._isTransitioning = !1, this._element = e, this._config = this._getConfig(i), this._triggerArray = t.makeArray(t('[data-toggle="collapse"][href="#' + e.id + '"],[data-toggle="collapse"][data-target="#' + e.id + '"]')); for (var o = t(f.DATA_TOGGLE), s = 0; s < o.length; s++) { var l = o[s], h = r.getSelectorFromElement(l); null !== h && t(h).filter(e).length > 0 && this._triggerArray.push(l) } this._parent = this._config.parent ? this._getParent() : null, this._config.parent || this._addAriaAndCollapsedClass(this._element, this._triggerArray), this._config.toggle && this.toggle() } return a.prototype.toggle = function() { t(this._element).hasClass(u.SHOW) ? this.hide() : this.show() }, a.prototype.show = function() { var e = this; if (!this._isTransitioning && !t(this._element).hasClass(u.SHOW)) { var n = void 0, i = void 0; if (this._parent && ((n = t.makeArray(t(this._parent).children().children(f.ACTIVES))).length || (n = null)), !(n && (i = t(n).data(s)) && i._isTransitioning)) { var o = t.Event(c.SHOW); if (t(this._element).trigger(o), !o.isDefaultPrevented()) { n && (a._jQueryInterface.call(t(n), "hide"), i || t(n).data(s, null)); var l = this._getDimension(); t(this._element).removeClass(u.COLLAPSE).addClass(u.COLLAPSING), this._element.style[l] = 0, this._triggerArray.length && t(this._triggerArray).removeClass(u.COLLAPSED).attr("aria-expanded", !0), this.setTransitioning(!0); var h = function() { t(e._element).removeClass(u.COLLAPSING).addClass(u.COLLAPSE).addClass(u.SHOW), e._element.style[l] = "", e.setTransitioning(!1), t(e._element).trigger(c.SHOWN) }; if (r.supportsTransitionEnd()) { var d = "scroll" + (l[0].toUpperCase() + l.slice(1)); t(this._element).one(r.TRANSITION_END, h).emulateTransitionEnd(600), this._element.style[l] = this._element[d] + "px" } else h() } } } }, a.prototype.hide = function() { var e = this; if (!this._isTransitioning && t(this._element).hasClass(u.SHOW)) { var n = t.Event(c.HIDE); if (t(this._element).trigger(n), !n.isDefaultPrevented()) { var i = this._getDimension(); if (this._element.style[i] = this._element.getBoundingClientRect()[i] + "px", r.reflow(this._element), t(this._element).addClass(u.COLLAPSING).removeClass(u.COLLAPSE).removeClass(u.SHOW), this._triggerArray.length) for (var o = 0; o < this._triggerArray.length; o++) { var s = this._triggerArray[o], a = r.getSelectorFromElement(s); null !== a && (t(a).hasClass(u.SHOW) || t(s).addClass(u.COLLAPSED).attr("aria-expanded", !1)) } this.setTransitioning(!0); var l = function() { e.setTransitioning(!1), t(e._element).removeClass(u.COLLAPSING).addClass(u.COLLAPSE).trigger(c.HIDDEN) }; this._element.style[i] = "", r.supportsTransitionEnd() ? t(this._element).one(r.TRANSITION_END, l).emulateTransitionEnd(600) : l() } } }, a.prototype.setTransitioning = function(t) { this._isTransitioning = t }, a.prototype.dispose = function() { t.removeData(this._element, s), this._config = null, this._parent = null, this._element = null, this._triggerArray = null, this._isTransitioning = null }, a.prototype._getConfig = function(n) { return n = t.extend({}, l, n), n.toggle = Boolean(n.toggle), r.typeCheckConfig(e, n, h), n }, a.prototype._getDimension = function() { return t(this._element).hasClass(d.WIDTH) ? d.WIDTH : d.HEIGHT }, a.prototype._getParent = function() { var e = this, n = t(this._config.parent)[0], i = '[data-toggle="collapse"][data-parent="' + this._config.parent + '"]'; return t(n).find(i).each(function(t, n) { e._addAriaAndCollapsedClass(a._getTargetFromElement(n), [n]) }), n }, a.prototype._addAriaAndCollapsedClass = function(e, n) { if (e) { var i = t(e).hasClass(u.SHOW); n.length && t(n).toggleClass(u.COLLAPSED, !i).attr("aria-expanded", i) } }, a._getTargetFromElement = function(e) { var n = r.getSelectorFromElement(e); return n ? t(n)[0] : null }, a._jQueryInterface = function(e) { return this.each(function() { var n = t(this), o = n.data(s), r = t.extend({}, l, n.data(), "object" === (void 0 === e ? "undefined" : i(e)) && e); if (!o && r.toggle && /show|hide/.test(e) && (r.toggle = !1), o || (o = new a(this, r), n.data(s, o)), "string" == typeof e) { if (void 0 === o[e]) throw new Error('No method named "' + e + '"'); o[e]() } }) }, o(a, null, [{ key: "VERSION", get: function() { return "4.0.0-beta" } }, { key: "Default", get: function() { return l } }]), a }(); t(document).on(c.CLICK_DATA_API, f.DATA_TOGGLE, function(e) { /input|textarea/i.test(e.target.tagName) || e.preventDefault(); var n = t(this), i = r.getSelectorFromElement(this); t(i).each(function() { var e = t(this), i = e.data(s) ? "toggle" : n.data(); p._jQueryInterface.call(e, i) }) }), t.fn[e] = p._jQueryInterface, t.fn[e].Constructor = p, t.fn[e].noConflict = function() { return t.fn[e] = a, p._jQueryInterface } }(jQuery), function(t) { var e = "htb-modal", s = ".htbbs.htb-modal", a = t.fn[e], l = { backdrop: !0, keyboard: !0, focus: !0, show: !0 }, h = { backdrop: "(boolean|string)", keyboard: "boolean", focus: "boolean", show: "boolean" }, c = { HIDE: "hide.htbbs.htb-modal", HIDDEN: "hidden.htbbs.htb-modal", SHOW: "show.htbbs.htb-modal", SHOWN: "shown.htbbs.htb-modal", FOCUSIN: "focusin.htbbs.htb-modal", RESIZE: "resize.htbbs.htb-modal", CLICK_DISMISS: "click.dismiss.htbbs.htb-modal", KEYDOWN_DISMISS: "keydown.dismiss.htbbs.htb-modal", MOUSEUP_DISMISS: "mouseup.dismiss.htbbs.htb-modal", MOUSEDOWN_DISMISS: "mousedown.dismiss.htbbs.htb-modal", CLICK_DATA_API: "click.htbbs.htb-modal.data-api" }, u = { SCROLLBAR_MEASURER: "htb-modal-scrollbar-measure", BACKDROP: "htb-modal-backdrop", OPEN: "htb-modal-open", FADE: "htb-fade", SHOW: "htb-show" }, d = { DIALOG: ".htb-modal-dialog", DATA_TOGGLE: '[data-toggle="htbmodal"]', DATA_DISMISS: '[data-dismiss="modal"]', FIXED_CONTENT: ".htb-fixed-top, .htb-fixed-bottom, .htb-is-fixed, .htb-sticky-top", NAVBAR_TOGGLER: ".htb-navbar-toggler" }, f = function() { function a(e, i) { n(this, a), this._config = this._getConfig(i), this._element = e, this._dialog = t(e).find(d.DIALOG)[0], this._backdrop = null, this._isShown = !1, this._isBodyOverflowing = !1, this._ignoreBackdropClick = !1, this._originalBodyPadding = 0, this._scrollbarWidth = 0 } return a.prototype.toggle = function(t) { return this._isShown ? this.hide() : this.show(t) }, a.prototype.show = function(e) { var n = this; if (!this._isTransitioning) { r.supportsTransitionEnd() && t(this._element).hasClass(u.FADE) && (this._isTransitioning = !0); var i = t.Event(c.SHOW, { relatedTarget: e }); t(this._element).trigger(i), this._isShown || i.isDefaultPrevented() || (this._isShown = !0, this._checkScrollbar(), this._setScrollbar(), t(document.body).addClass(u.OPEN), this._setEscapeEvent(), this._setResizeEvent(), t(this._element).on(c.CLICK_DISMISS, d.DATA_DISMISS, function(t) { return n.hide(t) }), t(this._dialog).on(c.MOUSEDOWN_DISMISS, function() { t(n._element).one(c.MOUSEUP_DISMISS, function(e) { t(e.target).is(n._element) && (n._ignoreBackdropClick = !0) }) }), this._showBackdrop(function() { return n._showElement(e) })) } }, a.prototype.hide = function(e) { var n = this; if (e && e.preventDefault(), !this._isTransitioning && this._isShown) { var i = r.supportsTransitionEnd() && t(this._element).hasClass(u.FADE); i && (this._isTransitioning = !0); var o = t.Event(c.HIDE); t(this._element).trigger(o), this._isShown && !o.isDefaultPrevented() && (this._isShown = !1, this._setEscapeEvent(), this._setResizeEvent(), t(document).off(c.FOCUSIN), t(this._element).removeClass(u.SHOW), t(this._element).off(c.CLICK_DISMISS), t(this._dialog).off(c.MOUSEDOWN_DISMISS), i ? t(this._element).one(r.TRANSITION_END, function(t) { return n._hideModal(t) }).emulateTransitionEnd(300) : this._hideModal()) } }, a.prototype.dispose = function() { t.removeData(this._element, "htbbs.htb-modal"), t(window, document, this._element, this._backdrop).off(s), this._config = null, this._element = null, this._dialog = null, this._backdrop = null, this._isShown = null, this._isBodyOverflowing = null, this._ignoreBackdropClick = null, this._scrollbarWidth = null }, a.prototype.handleUpdate = function() { this._adjustDialog() }, a.prototype._getConfig = function(n) { return n = t.extend({}, l, n), r.typeCheckConfig(e, n, h), n }, a.prototype._showElement = function(e) { var n = this, i = r.supportsTransitionEnd() && t(this._element).hasClass(u.FADE); this._element.parentNode && this._element.parentNode.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE || document.body.appendChild(this._element), this._element.style.display = "block", this._element.removeAttribute("aria-hidden"), this._element.scrollTop = 0, i && r.reflow(this._element), t(this._element).addClass(u.SHOW), this._config.focus && this._enforceFocus(); var o = t.Event(c.SHOWN, { relatedTarget: e }), s = function() { n._config.focus && n._element.focus(), n._isTransitioning = !1, t(n._element).trigger(o) }; i ? t(this._dialog).one(r.TRANSITION_END, s).emulateTransitionEnd(300) : s() }, a.prototype._enforceFocus = function() { var e = this; t(document).off(c.FOCUSIN).on(c.FOCUSIN, function(n) { document === n.target || e._element === n.target || t(e._element).has(n.target).length || e._element.focus() }) }, a.prototype._setEscapeEvent = function() { var e = this; this._isShown && this._config.keyboard ? t(this._element).on(c.KEYDOWN_DISMISS, function(t) { 27 === t.which && (t.preventDefault(), e.hide()) }) : this._isShown || t(this._element).off(c.KEYDOWN_DISMISS) }, a.prototype._setResizeEvent = function() { var e = this; this._isShown ? t(window).on(c.RESIZE, function(t) { return e.handleUpdate(t) }) : t(window).off(c.RESIZE) }, a.prototype._hideModal = function() { var e = this; this._element.style.display = "none", this._element.setAttribute("aria-hidden", !0), this._isTransitioning = !1, this._showBackdrop(function() { t(document.body).removeClass(u.OPEN), e._resetAdjustments(), e._resetScrollbar(), t(e._element).trigger(c.HIDDEN) }) }, a.prototype._removeBackdrop = function() { this._backdrop && (t(this._backdrop).remove(), this._backdrop = null) }, a.prototype._showBackdrop = function(e) { var n = this, i = t(this._element).hasClass(u.FADE) ? u.FADE : ""; if (this._isShown && this._config.backdrop) { var o = r.supportsTransitionEnd() && i; if (this._backdrop = document.createElement("div"), this._backdrop.className = u.BACKDROP, i && t(this._backdrop).addClass(i), t(this._backdrop).appendTo(document.body), t(this._element).on(c.CLICK_DISMISS, function(t) { n._ignoreBackdropClick ? n._ignoreBackdropClick = !1 : t.target === t.currentTarget && ("static" === n._config.backdrop ? n._element.focus() : n.hide()) }), o && r.reflow(this._backdrop), t(this._backdrop).addClass(u.SHOW), !e) return; if (!o) return void e(); t(this._backdrop).one(r.TRANSITION_END, e).emulateTransitionEnd(150) } else if (!this._isShown && this._backdrop) { t(this._backdrop).removeClass(u.SHOW); var s = function() { n._removeBackdrop(), e && e() }; r.supportsTransitionEnd() && t(this._element).hasClass(u.FADE) ? t(this._backdrop).one(r.TRANSITION_END, s).emulateTransitionEnd(150) : s() } else e && e() }, a.prototype._adjustDialog = function() { var t = this._element.scrollHeight > document.documentElement.clientHeight; !this._isBodyOverflowing && t && (this._element.style.paddingLeft = this._scrollbarWidth + "px"), this._isBodyOverflowing && !t && (this._element.style.paddingRight = this._scrollbarWidth + "px") }, a.prototype._resetAdjustments = function() { this._element.style.paddingLeft = "", this._element.style.paddingRight = "" }, a.prototype._checkScrollbar = function() { this._isBodyOverflowing = document.body.clientWidth < window.innerWidth, this._scrollbarWidth = this._getScrollbarWidth() }, a.prototype._setScrollbar = function() { var e = this; if (this._isBodyOverflowing) { t(d.FIXED_CONTENT).each(function(n, i) { var o = t(i)[0].style.paddingRight, r = t(i).css("padding-right"); t(i).data("padding-right", o).css("padding-right", parseFloat(r) + e._scrollbarWidth + "px") }), t(d.NAVBAR_TOGGLER).each(function(n, i) { var o = t(i)[0].style.marginRight, r = t(i).css("margin-right"); t(i).data("margin-right", o).css("margin-right", parseFloat(r) + e._scrollbarWidth + "px") }); var n = document.body.style.paddingRight, i = t("body").css("padding-right"); t("body").data("padding-right", n).css("padding-right", parseFloat(i) + this._scrollbarWidth + "px") } }, a.prototype._resetScrollbar = function() { t(d.FIXED_CONTENT).each(function(e, n) { var i = t(n).data("padding-right"); void 0 !== i && t(n).css("padding-right", i).removeData("padding-right") }), t(d.NAVBAR_TOGGLER).each(function(e, n) { var i = t(n).data("margin-right"); void 0 !== i && t(n).css("margin-right", i).removeData("margin-right") }); var e = t("body").data("padding-right"); void 0 !== e && t("body").css("padding-right", e).removeData("padding-right") }, a.prototype._getScrollbarWidth = function() { var t = document.createElement("div"); t.className = u.SCROLLBAR_MEASURER, document.body.appendChild(t); var e = t.getBoundingClientRect().width - t.clientWidth; return document.body.removeChild(t), e }, a._jQueryInterface = function(e, n) { return this.each(function() { var o = t(this).data("bs.modal"), r = t.extend({}, a.Default, t(this).data(), "object" === (void 0 === e ? "undefined" : i(e)) && e); if (o || (o = new a(this, r), t(this).data("bs.modal", o)), "string" == typeof e) { if (void 0 === o[e]) throw new Error('No method named "' + e + '"'); o[e](n) } else r.show && o.show(n) }) }, o(a, null, [{ key: "VERSION", get: function() { return "4.0.0-beta" } }, { key: "Default", get: function() { return l } }]), a }(); t(document).on(c.CLICK_DATA_API, d.DATA_TOGGLE, function(e) { var n = this, i = void 0, o = r.getSelectorFromElement(this); o && (i = t(o)[0]); var s = t(i).data("htbbs.htb-modal") ? 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